Well, here goes!

I love words.  I love the written word, I love words of wisdom, I love talking to my children.  Words are powerful.  It is my hope and prayer that I can share words of encouragement with other moms through glimpses of our daily life together.  Those glimpses will contain anecdotes (the good, the bad, the ugly) of family life, information about homeschooling, book reviews/recommendations, low-cost projects, DIY decorating, and recipes,  (Two of my children have to eat gluten-free, so I love finding easy gluten-free recipes!)  and whatever else God lays on my heart.

One thing that I value is talking to another mom who has “been there.”  Ironically, the most encouraging part for me is hearing about the struggles and difficulties in someone else’s parenting adventure.  It makes me feel better,  know what I mean?  And it often makes for a really great laugh together.  (Even the Bible says that’s good for us!)  On the other hand, I certainly appreciate learning what has worked well for someone, too.

Disclaimer:  Here is the hard part:  I am not a tech-savvy person.  I really don’t know what I’m doing.  I don’t know how to maneuver a blog.  My children have to show me how to use my phone.  So it may take a while for me to get the hang of this.  But I figured if I waited until I could do it perfectly, (as I am wont to do–yes, I am a perfectionist) then I would never do it.  It may take a while for me to figure out pics and links and fancy stuff, so in the meantime, I have words.

I love words.  🙂

How about you?

About The Author


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